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15-22 June 2025

PA Wing STEM Academy


PAWG CTS will once again host our popular Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) Academy that covers four core subjects:  Rocketry, Space & Astronomy, Cyberspace, and Robotics.  Emphasis is placed on ensuring as much “hands-on” learning as possible be incorporated into the curriculum.


Our goal is to provide academic and laboratory learning for each of these core STEM subjects.  In addition to introducing cadets to each subject material, we also focus on opportunities where cadets can eventually enter these career fields and other avenues where cadets can pursue specialized education.

Industry and governmental leaders in STEM related fields regularly participate as guests speakers and contributors, offering their advice and insights, making the


The PA Wing STEM Academy is truly an exciting and valuable, once-in-a-lifetime experience.

  • Graduate of Basic Encampment
  • Minimum grade of C/Senior Airman
Course Fee

$300 - Includes meals and lodging 

** Payment will be managed outside in the registration system Registration Zone.**


Fort Indiantown Gap, PA

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