United States Air Force Auxiliary - Civil Air Patrol
Seven schools, one mission . . . to shape tomorrow's leaders, today.
Cadet Training Schools Overview

In the fall of 2007, a team of seniors and cadets set forth to redefine the Cadet Leadership School program. At the time, many of these individuals were Air Force ROTC cadets at various Detachments throughout the northeast region and have since become active duty Air Force officers.
Working hand-in-hand with other seasoned cadets and seniors in the wing with ample experience with the Cadet Program and summer training activities, a new curriculum was developed embodying the core principles of Air Force officer and military skills training applied to CAP educational objectives and environment.
The result was a revolutionary, top-notch program nominated by two regions as the model for the new national Region Cadet Leadership School curriculum to be implemented across the country. Following the initial success of the 2007 RCLS curriculum, and necessitated by the combining of the schools in 2008, the same methodology was applied to redesigning an Encampment curriculum to serve as an equal foundation for cadet development.
After more than a decade of organizational evolution, the PA Wing Cadet Training Schools has grown into a nationally recognized, multi-tiered program, offering both a weekend Winter and weeklong Summer program.
Our ultimate goal is to provide an immersive training environment that capitalizes on the collective experience and expertise of our membership to facilitate the rapid growth of America’s next generation of highly effective leaders.
Mission First - People Always!
About Civil Air Patrol

In the late 1930s, more than 150,000 volunteers with a love for aviation argued for an organization to put their planes and flying skills to use in defense of their country. As a result, the Civil Air Patrol was born one week prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Thousands of volunteer members answered America's call to national service and sacrifice by accepting and performing critical wartime missions. Assigned to the War Department under the jurisdiction of the Army Air Corps, the contributions of Civil Air Patrol, including logging more than 500,000 flying hours, sinking two enemy submarines, and saving hundreds of crash victims during World War II, are well documented.
After the war, a thankful nation understood that Civil Air Patrol could continue providing valuable services to both local and national agencies. On July 1, 1946, President Harry Truman signed Public Law 476 incorporating Civil Air Patrol as a benevolent, nonprofit organization. On May 26, 1948, Congress passed Public Law 557 permanently establishing Civil Air Patrol as the auxiliary of the new U.S. Air Force. Three primary mission areas were set forth at that time: aerospace education, cadet programs, and emergency services.